Elder Law Matters — a monthly blog by Glenn A. Deig

#1 Transfers to spouse. A married Medicaid applicant/recipient who is an inpatient at a nursing facility may, without penalty, transfer all assets to the spouse who is still living at home. #2 Transfers to a blind or disabled child. A Medicaid applicant/recipient may transfer assets to his or her blind or disabled child, according to SSI criteria, or to a trust fund for such a child, without penalty. #3 De Minimis gift. Each year, a 
Your Medicaid application has been approved. Fantastic! The approval notice mentions something about a “liability” owed to the nursing home each month. What is a liability and how did they arrive at this figure? Once you’ve been approved for Medicaid, you will likely owe a portion of your monthly income to help cover nursing home costs; this is referred to as the liability to the nursing home. The monthly liability owed to the nursing home 
Beginning June 1, 2014, Indiana implemented a change to its Medicaid eligibility standards for those residing in nursing homes or receiving waivered services. The new rule currently limits the gross income of Medicaid recipients to $2,199.00 per month (updated May, 2015). Each year, this Special Income Level (SIL) may be adjusted. Medicaid recipients whose income exceeded the SIL prior to June 1, 2014, received a written notice from the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration 
The process of qualifying for Medicaid to help pay for nursing home care can be stressful, especially when a denial notice is involved. Fortunately, this isn’t the end of the process. Several options still exist once a Medicaid applicant receives notice of an adverse action. The first option is to simply reapply for benefits. This is ideal when the denial was based on a missed deadline. Medicaid caseworkers must review eligibility of the applicant during